At this point I think it's appropriate to circle back to Tom's original question, and further explore supporting a micro-grid. Tom, can you get into more detail as to what you are referring to when you want to power a micro-grid? I'm assuming here that you are referring to the powering of more than one single dwelling? Is this just a group of buildings on your own homestead, or power for multiple families in nearby houses?
What you want to start with is an itemized list of what it is you want to power, and when they need to run? Will you need just 120VAC, or both 120/240VAC split-phase? How many kWh of power do you think you'll need on a daily basis? For myself, with my cabin running stuff like the refrigerator 24/7, I'm in the range of 3.5-4.0kWh of power per day. A smaller outbuilding with a freezer running in it 24/7 consumes ~2.5kWh per day. I'm finding that with a normal 21st century lifestyle, with
lights, TV, and some computer time on the internet, I can stay under 4kWh. Will there be a well-pump? How big is it, and what voltage? How much water will be needed on the site?
What do your numbers look like? What about managing the neighbors? My overall impression of visitors that see the solar system, is they think "free power, I can use as much as I want". Visitors need an education in terms of what power conservation at night means. They really don't understand what happens to the batteries unless they get drained dry.
Get some numbers for us, and we can help you flesh out the details in terms of system voltage, solar watts, inverter selection, ect.