Bodh Kal wrote:When i decide to dethatch my lawn , I saw that my lawn needs leveling too, I am now confused because which one should be the first in process, first I level my lawn and then dethatch or reverse it. Can you help.
If you’re going to thatch your lawn, then you’re going to need to reseed it…well to make it come in as full as you’d like. As a rule of thumb I’d thatch first and expose the true topography of your lawn so you can more adequately assess where you need to level. Then seed then spread cococoir or peat moss over your seeds or
straw. (You’re just keeping the birds off and moisture on) . The sandy mix most places
sell for doing grass patchwork is best it’s a light
compost with lots of sand. The sand will give you your height and the compost your food. I just thatched a lady’s lawn and reseeded it last week. As a landscape guy who does lawns organically I’d say you’d be best to add some clover seeds in when you reseed to get the benefits of nitrogen fixation. Also stays green longer on droughts in my
experience than grasses!
dandelions bring calcium from deep and share with their plant companions… so leave em! I mean every part of the dandelions is edible and they aerate your lawn with those big tap
Thatchers work best if the material removed is raked or vacuumed off by a big lawn mower… so doing the leveling first would probably be a huge headache. I hope This helps! Thatch first level next.