I would advise against heating or artificial light. It just messes with the birds ability to regulate themselves naturally. As long as the coop is well ventilated and free from windy drafts you
should be fine. The coop needs to be dry and clean more than it needs to be warm. My chickens had no real trouble this year at -25F. Read up on deep litter methods to help minimize the workload of coop cleaning.
As far as e coli is concerned, you'll probably get tired of stepping in crap before you actually get physically sick from bacteria. That's not to say that it couldn't happen. I keep my birds away from the house in a paddock shift system as long as the ground is thawed
enough to get the
fence to stay up. In winter they are near the house, for ease of care and so I don't have to shovel too much snow to get to them. Stepping in poo gets old after a while so try to keep them away from high traffic areas.
Also, I have a pair of shoes that I leave near the door to change into before I go inside. It helps keep the house cleaner, especially on wet days.
Best of luck.