Well, you already are aware of a couple of things, the weight - for the structure, for you handling it, for you or whoever to haul it to the site; bulk - more trips? especially if you are hauling yourself in a pickup; the joints - board sheathing wasn't necessarily T&G, and even that isn't going to be good at "air sealing".
You're gonna need longer nails. Save on
wood, spend on nails? Drive thirty 8d nails, or drive just a dozen 16d nails... your arm will be sore a lot faster while covering the same area.
Look for a
local lumberyard or sawmill, instead of the home improvement big-box-stores. You might find rough sawn boards that are less expensive by far. At a sawmill, you could get a deal on some boards with flaws you can cut around, or random lengths (not just 8, 10, 12, 16 feet), since you'll have plenty of places to use different lengths (unlike wall studs or paneling, all one height for example).