Hello !
I couldn t quite place my post in the right forum, i hope resources is the right one !
I am an olive farmer in Greece for the last 10 years
In august 2021 we were hit by an enormous wildfire that burned almost all the forest in the once beautiful and green island of Evia. My farm suffered a great deal with loss of material 40% of the olive
trees and also damages to the house I live in. The worse however was the loss of a beautiful pine forest that dressed the mountains and hills surrounding the little village of Rovies.
This summer was the hottest ever with temperatures of over 40 C for at least 15 days in the row in late july.... just after this, september 7nth and also 4 days ago we had storms of more than 400mm in a day for both occasions... the damage is quite devastating. Besides all the obvious and very heavy damage on man made structures which have a great economic impact, we also suffered from major erosion of the mountains taking tons of topsoil to the sea and creating huge gutters in what was, before, dirt roads, but also in parts of the olive grove that were on the path of the
water torrents.
Authorities tried to prevent this after the fire by dropping tons of cement in multiple dams across the streams, some of which broke and many got filled in with rubble already from the first flood.
In my opinion only well planned landscape works and planting fast growing and deep rooting trees can bring a real solution in the long term.
I am writing to you to ask your opinion about how to go about this issue. The scale of the
project is too big for a small team of interested farmers to be able to fund, plan and carry out. Would you be able to point me to the right direction for finding funding and experts to help implement such large scale landscaping ?
Thank you very much !