I was telling my momma about the trees and she suggested we might want to start an orchard on some family
I was already thinking about going back for the pear trees, and check the other
local tractor supply stores for end of season trees.
But before any of that, I do have a nice western facing
fence line that needs food plants.
The good neighbors to the north of this parcel have kids and they also cut my lawn in return for being able to park there.
I like them and I like feeding kids.
I tried moving some raspberry plants there last spring and I have jostaberry I was thinking I'd plant there.
The available fence line is only about 15' long.
I think these are all reliance peaches, and if so, self pollinating.
I also have some fruit trees growing inside the fence.
They are stunted from shade ,and I'm not even certain what they are!
Seriously, I've lost track.
I might have a plant hoarding problem 🤔
Oh well.
One should be
enough on that fence line,along with the rasp,black and jostaberries.
One at mom's house, one or two at my sister's place, maybe one in my actual yard, if I can find room for it.
I must be careful looking at everything like it were a cobbler in need of peaches.
For example, of there's only room for one tree, my sister would be better off with a plum tree-my BIL loves under ripe super tart plums, and my MILs tree died last year.
Oh, that could be a good spot!
I should probably concentrate on keeping them alive and selling them next spring, but I'm not really motivated by that idea.
I'm probably going back for the pear trees...