I have 55 gallon drums with some residual oil in them and a cheap plastic oil collection/storage container with the remains of an oil change a few months ago. All have been sitting outside and proven to have upper leaks that allowed rain
water in.
I discovered this when I took the used oil to my mechanic in town and asked what is done with it around here. He let me pour it in his waste container, where we noticed the water that was pouring out along with it. He said he takes it to someone around who incinerates it and a little water shouldn't hurt, but I have about four times as much left and don't want to wear out my welcome there.
While pouring between containers, I used a gas can that has a screen on the pour spout. I thought I could get the water to pour out first by holding it completely inverted, but noticed the water stream came to a trickle while most of the oil remained in the can, not wanting to go through the screen, although a bit of oil did glug through here and there.
How badly contaminated is this water? I'm guessing I don't want to dump it over my drinking water table. Would this be okay to boil off somehow? I'm planning a pocket rocket build and burn to prepare my barrels for an
RMH build, could I pour the water slowly on the lid while doing that? What else would I do with it?
While I'm at it, would adding the used oil to the pocket rocket burn be as bad an idea as I'm guessing, or does it get hot
enough to be considered "incineration"? Is that a boom-squish scenario?