I also have
experience with not only bindweed, but Russian thistle (tumbleweeds), goatheads (puncturevine) and sandburs. I have tried manually removing bindweed in moist soil, but it really does kind of go on forever.
Last year I got a big delivery of compost and made piles here and there to save long treks. The bindweed would grow around the outside edges of the compost, but never came up within the pile.
I'm guessing that you might have to fight the fight of pulling invaders for awhile, but once the decomp/humus-building begins it might take care of itself. I can only hope.
I am a bit worried about 4-legged invaders though. I have kangaroo rats and
rabbits (cottontail and jack) in my area. I'm wondering if I'll have to worry about them invading for food or
It's always something. - Roseanne Rosannadanna's father.