for next time round...
i like to breed does in groups so that if one has
alot and cant
feed em all then i can pop a couple into other nests with smaller litters. though sometimes it just happens that some babies arent strong
enough and they die. nothin to be done about it.
another thing, is you can flip momma bun on her back and hold her in your arm like a football and hold a skinny baby on her belly to nurse.
if she doesnt have enough
milk then the baby will go nipple to nipple but only stay a moment and go to the next. if there is any milk the baby will stop and eat a bit.
some people will take a large litter and take half in one nest and half in another nest. take nest one in the house for 12 hours, and nest two is in with mom. then switch nests for the next 12hours.
personally this just spreads the same amount of milk to all the babies and i'd rather have 6 fat healthy babies then 10 scraggly babies.
better luck next time (: