16th Annual Santa Barbara Community Seed Swap
Sunday, January 28, 2024
11-4pm, Free - Rain or Shine!
celebration to bring seeds & people together
Santa Barbara Community Arts
Workshop (SBCAW)
631 Garden Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Hosted by Santa Barbara
Permaculture Network
Join us for the 16th Annual Santa Barbara Community Seed Swap! The event takes place at the Santa Barbara Community Arts Center (SBCAW) in downtown Santa Barbara, with both indoor and outdoor space, rain or shine.
Honoring of our 2024
Local Food Leslie Person Ryan Hero will be at 1:30 pm at !6th SB Annual Seed Swap see below for writeup
Hundreds attend this free event every year sharing seeds and knowledge with other backyard gardeners, plant lovers, beekeepers, farmers and more. Come be a part of this seed saving movement, making sure locally adapted seeds & plants are passed on to future generations. Free seeds offered to help gardeners get started. Local groups will have seed & plant related exhibits. Live music, and kids activities throughout the day.
Once again we will honor a Local Food Hero, this year the award goes to Leslie Person Ryan of Sweet Wheel Summerland Farm. Join us for an award ceremony at 1:30 pm.
Bring seeds, plants, cuttings, and garden knowledge to swap.
Don't have these? Then come get seeds. Seeds to sow, seeds to grow, seeds to harvest. Seeds to save and share next year.
Activities for all ages.
Free Face Painting
Music that will have your toes tapping.
Plant and seed-related exhibits from local groups
Special speakers throughout the day.
A gathering of garden friends old and new.
Seed saving is a fun and easy way to connect to the circle of life.
A Community Event Hosted by Santa Barbara
Permaculture Network
Co-Sponsored by Island Seed &
Feed, Blue Sky
Biochar, Explore Ecology, & Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.
More Info:
Margie@sbpermaculture.org, (805) 962-2571
Follow us on
Seeds, they are our past, they are our future. In past times, they were skillfully adapted to climate and location.
Join us as we encourage our community to save and grow out seeds specific to our own climate and place, while honoring our ancestors
gift & legacy.
2024 Local Food Hero Leslie Person Ryan of Sweet Wheel Summerland Farm
Leslie Person Ryan of Sweet Wheel Summerland Farm has been committed to building food resilience in her community for many years. Starting with her Sweet Wheel
Farm Cart selling local, organic, in season produce & other goods, with a large percentage donated & delivered to vulnerable community members. After a cataclysmic fire & debris flow event in 2018 leaving Summerland completely isolated & without food for two weeks, Leslie determined Summerland was a “food desert” and needed its own farm to be food secure. Leslie
led a phenomenally successful fundraising campaign to purchase a six-acre farm, with an intention to ultimately grow
enough to feed everyone in the community, while demonstrating & educating all ages about best regenerative farming practices, including encouraging young women to consider farming. Leslie is a passionate heirloom seed advocate, known for the beautiful non-GMO multi-color corn varieties she grows on the farm.