Hello permies
I am starting my first small plot in toronto Ontario this season, and with the limited space i wanted to try planting peas and daikon in the same spot
I dont see any daikon specific information for the interplanting, and i am worried the maturation is too long and will interfere with the peas, however i am willing to try it out to see! but if anyone has experience or knowledge on the matter, would be greatly appreciated.
I know both like cool seasons, and will start by seed in early spring.
Hello Cappucine and welcome to Permies!
I would have thought that radish and peas would play well together. I have only grown them separately so far. Daikon is supposed to be a cool season crop and in the UK they recommend sowing after midsummer. I think they can bolt if the season is too hot. I don't know if that is likely to be a problem with you? If you plant each in rows, the daikon would be less likely to swamp the peas. Once the peas are growing taller that shouldn't be such a problem - I'm thinking climbing peas? My radish had leaf rosettes of up to 10 inches, but I've seen images of huge ones online!
I'm contemplating underplanting my legumes this year (fava beans and peas). My friend is researching Nitrogen pollution from agriculture and apparently monocropping legumes can lead to problematic runoff, which I hadn't been aware of. Most sources I've seen more recently suggest that legumes don't leave Nitrogen in the soil, but I suppose if it is running off in the rain it wouldn't....Anyhow, growing plants to soak the nitrogen up at the time the legumes are producing it seems like the thing to aim at. I was thinking leafy greens, as I have a separate roots bed in my rotation, but that is not ideal either as not something I am likely to want to pick on a regular basis, so I'm still open to ideas. I may just go with a non food biomass like flax....not sure that would give great ground cover, but better than nothing, and a product that could be interesting to play with.
I have never grown Daikon before, but I have grown carrots next to my peas. The theory was that the peas would be done and over before the carrots got real big.
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Funny story that is kind of on topic. Early into my cover crop days, I decided that the first easy peasy cover crop I was going to try are those soil buster radishes which are fancy named daikons. A wise man might of looked at when he was planting them, but I am not always a wise man. I spread them in the fall in my raised beds and..... nothing.
Spring time came and I had to start planting my beds. One of my beds I planted was peas and they were so lovely. Suddenly and without warning, I started getting weeds in the same bed and I was panicing. I pulled and pulled and pulled and still these freaking weeds were coming up as if someone planted them there!
They were diakons... Once I figured it out I let the remainder grow. The proximity to the peas actually seemed to help them grow potentially from the nitrogen fixation they can have. I also could of been a little biased because I planted the peas in hopes to do just that! Maybe with other veggies though....
I would say let it rip. Peas are sensitive to the cold so don't plant them too early but if you can trellis them up, you will have no issues with daikons growing deep.
I've yet to plant daikons but have had good luck interplanting peas with other radishes. I do have some daikon seed and hope to use it in a part of a future garden site to improve the soil.
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