So, I'm 5 days into the
chicken life. Got 5 mix breed
chickens (not chicks) given to me (silkie, cornish, wyandotte).
doing paddocks with a half-assed 100ft
chicken wire
fence set up (giving them 600sf of forest floor with my mini-coop in there where I close the door at night and open it in the morning (will be creating an automated system for that soon!)
they came from neighbors with too many birds who had an enclosed static set up but a 7ft ceiling barn that they spent the night roosting.
the one pullet of the bunch seems to want to roost up high, and while they all seem content to stay inside the fencing all day (they can all easily fly over as well as find hole to slip under if they really want) this pullet, and sometimes another follower, will 'escape' at sunset to get up into a tree.
2 nights ago I went out in the dark, found 2 of them (that
should be a metaphor for futility - searching for black chickens in the dark!), grabbed them and dropped them into the closed coop. last night, the pullet was smarter and was higher up in a tree than I could reach, and I wasn't going to get a ladder just to get a chicken out of a tree.
SO... the question: do I keep trying to get them into the box at night, so as to possibly 'train' them that the box is a good place to be (safer, warmer, etc) or should I just give up and let them roost in the
trees, with the idea that they *probably* won't get found and eaten, or that it will be impossible to fix this behavior anyway?