I was thinking about Swales in general, and had some thoughts about how to build in a little more flexibility in a
swale system. Traditional Swales are a ditch on contour with an uncompacted
berm on the downhill side. The swale follows the contour, and thus has a consistent depth all along its span.
What about making a swale that didn't Always follow the contour, but would go on and off contour, up and down a few feet, making high and low points in the ditch of the swale. The berm, however, would have a consistent level, so that any heavy precipitation would still overflow though a sill rather than overtopping and eroding the swale.
This approach to building would allow for implementing Paul's thoughts on tefa- having more microclimates and dry and wet spots within the swale, as well as allowing for some artistic expression- rather than being constrained to contour, you can define shapes that you wouldn't otherwise be able to create.
Call it an flexible depth swale, or a TEFA swale, or a hybrid swaledam.
Anybody have any
experience with this, or thoughts?