For lion's mane substrate, you can use your hardwood pellets mixed with wheat bran. The recipe from Field & Forest utilizes 5 cups hardwood pellets, 1/2 cup wheat bran, 1.5 lbs. lion's mane spawn and 5 cups boiling
water in one standard filter patch bag. Keep in mind that because lion's mane fruits on the sides of
trees and logs in nature, filter bags will probably work better than a tub (which is better for agaricus
mushrooms). Here's a
video from Nik at Field & Forest with their simple
hot water method for people without pressure cookers:
If you have a pressure cooker, you can sterilize your sawdust blocks using this method from Tony at Freshcap Mushrooms:
Freshcap also has a video on inoculating the blocks.
As far as your old leftover shiitake plugs go, you could try using them to inoculate sawdust blocks using the methods above, but shiitake plugs are best for log culture. I've never heard of anyone using dowels to start sawdust blocks. For shiitake sawdust blocks, many growers also add gypsum or calcium carbonate to the blocks.
You could make extra spawn using the lion's mane spawn you have, but you'll probably need a pressure cooker to insure your grain spawn doesn't get contamination problems. Freshcap also has videos on this as well.
I've expanded wine cap spawn by adding a bag of it to boxes or garbage bags filled with fresh moist hardwood chips/sawdust- alder chips right out of the chipper worked great for this. I kept the bags and boxes in a 65 degree room, misting them occasionally. Then when the weather warmed up, I made outdoor beds around my veggies and berry plants using the expanded spawn. I got 50 pounds of spawn instead of five. Raspberries especially seem to really like wine cap spawn/chips as mulch. Top off your bed with unsprayed
straw as a casing layer and you
should get a large harvest of wine caps. This method is much easier than trying to get winecaps to fruit in an indoor situation, although it can be done. But winecaps apparently prefer outdoor conditions.
Good luck with all your projects!