Hi Nancy,
I'm chuckling a bit because I knew people would wonder about that post. I'm near a river where the
land is quite sandy, and the sand kept filtering down the hill into that rain garden. I had a family member getting agitated about it, so I put the post there to block the complaining, I mean erosion.
Eventually I will have
enough grass and plants everywhere to take care of the erosion but for now I am tackling the problem with that post. You are correct that it will most definitely rot. Home Depot sold it as "Cedar Tone" which means it is not cedar at all. It is green treated colored brown to fool people into thinking it is cedar. I am kind of agitated about that. When I went back last weekend for green treated
fence posts, I couldn't find any green treated posts but I found brown ones. That's when I found out about the Cedar Tone thing. Needless to say, I bought nothing from Home Depot on that visit. I intend to have words with them to share my thoughts on their recent shenanigans.
I liked doing the pergola project, as it was so easy to complete in an afternoon. I think it will look pretty spiffy once the somerset grape vines are grown up on it. Thanks for checking it out!