Hi folks, I just wrapped up documenting a two year
project trying to adapt bokashi composting for
humanure. It has been done, yes, but I wanted to do it with wild-cultivated LAB in a non-laboratory/non-professional context with ultra-cheap materials. The
poop part didn't work out, but it did work very well for regular kitchen scrap bokashi.
What i've added to existing alt-bokashis is: Technical understanding of what bacteria we're cultivating, why, and how. More about alternative substrates and how/why to use them (beyond soggy clumps of
newspaper). Not buying
milk just to spoil it, but using kitchen waste itself to cultivate wild LAB. And more.
I spent about 2 years trialing all this stuff, this seems like the best place I could share it, I think it is a decent jump ahead of what exists currently. Please try it out and let me know how it goes. The "how to" section is partway down, there are large parts in orange that are technical information you don't NEED to know to do it.
I do hope to see this method proliferate. It was a lot of work so I slapped a creative commons license on it at the bottom.