Jodi Talbott : Usually we are talking about the same amount of Re-inforcemnt needed if you were going to have a
water bed in the same location !
I expect that you know someone who knows some one who states that they can not sleep without a waterbed, it used to be a lot more common than
it is today but properly planed for it is no big deal !
Once people have their Thermal mass/built-in-furnature in place, they find that Padded blankets, quilts, throws and lightweight futon mattresses
serve them very well ! These allow the ability to quickly adjust the temperature by covering/un-covering sections of the bench, A Wooden bench
built over the top will probably add some little complication to this very simple system !
A few quick thoughts, built in closet that always keeps your outside coats toasty warm, a special built in place for raising bread,yogurt and a few other
'fermented foods', getting up in the morning and the clothes you are going to wear laid out, pre-warmed on your bench.
I will try to answer the easy ones. This week to friday, we have Erica and Ernie Wisner to answer questions that require technical expertise !
Come back often, your comments/questions are solicited and Welcome Big AL !