If anyone has
experience with growing climbing plants on bananas please comment because I have not tried this yet. One of the main problems with bananas is that when your banana is almost ripe it has a tendency to fall over before the bananas are mature
enough. This problem is made even worse if you have a dry spell and then you get a lot of rain. So my idea is that possibly by growing vines up and twining around they could tie a number of banana plants together and if the plant wants to fall over it would kind of be held there by the vines.
Trees can work for this as well I had one banana plant that started to fall over but luckily it had a small pine tree beside it and it landed in the branches of the pine tree. That reminds me that rack is probably ready by now. There must be some other species that would be ideal for this like maybe cacao or some of the smaller citrus would make a good banana catcher. Anyway if anyone has any experience with using other plants to catch a falling banana rack please let me know.