Chad Tarnard wrote:I recently cleared my backyard of its grass and it was about 1.5 inches of roots and below that it is PACKED TIGHT . I plan on dropping a boatload of mulch over most of that and letting it work in over a season or two before even thinking about planting there. It's the area for the kids to run around in anyway, so I'm in no rush to get that area growing. I am thinking I need to condition my soil in a similar fashion anywhere I am looking to plant.
My major goals for the next year are to get some mulch worked in everywhere to encourage worms and the like to free up my soil and to get my hugelbed finished and growing. After that I have about 142,000 smaller projects to get to, but baby steps .
Thank you.
Chad Tarnard wrote:
One thing I've been thinking of trying is getting a 1 inch by 1 foot (or so) auger bit and drilling out a little drainage array around my young trees. I thought that might help as long as I don't destroy the roots. Any experience with that?
Thanks once more.
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