Sorry for my bad English. I am from Germany.
I Plan to isolate my wooden House with Straw ( 40 cm thick ). On the Northside it kould by to wet vor a Strawwall . I plan also to bild a rocket stove mass heater. Now i had the idea to bring the Smokepipe in to the bottom of the Northsidewall before it leafe the House, so the Wall will be heated in the Winter. Can someone tell me of it workes? ( Pleace use easy Fokabulary)
Thank you.
The wall is well insulated and has very little mass to store heat.
Straw can be charred which would not be good.
The insulation value of that section of wall would be reduced.
If you put a thick layer of cob on the wall, the pipe could run near it and the cob would store heat. The heated mass from the RMHshould give all the heat storage you need.
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