Hey all, I have a pretty simple question that, after some research on the internet, seems like it might have a complicated
answer. I'm looking for clarification. I have two raised beds I built for a client and they're just being absolutely devastated by critters. I'm thinking it's raccoons (I've found footprints nearby and I'm thinking they're the only ones that could tear down bird netting like I've found it) and possibly rats and
mice because I've found the bird netting undisturbed but the plants are still being eaten. I've decided to build a "swinging door" type cage over the top and I'm considering using 1/4" hardware cloth. A buddy I work with says that'll keep even mice out but when I look it up
online there are all sorts of conflicting ideas. Some people say rats and mice can chew right through it or that small mice are still able to squeeze through the holes. Does anyone have a more definitive answer on this? Thanks in advance!