hello Matu, I've been growing garlic bulbils for several years now and it takes up to three years to get normal sized bulbs from the tiny rice grain sized bulbils of porcelains. They usually produce undivided rounds the first year. The
pea sized bulbils from Rocamboles will often produce perfect miniature bulbs the first year. I prefer to get rounds as they size up better the following year. After you harvest them, just dry off and store until autumn and replant. I have grown them both in the open ground and in containers. They are useful scattered between rows of garlic as row markers between varieties. If you put them in a container, just make sure that they get watered in summer otherwise the growth will be checked.
There are some excellent blogs and articles about growing bulbils, here are a couple that I found useful when I first started
It's a great way to increase your stock and I don't find it any hassle. if it's true genetic diversity you're after, you'll need to take it to the next level and try producing true seed which involves removing all the bulbils to allow the flowers to develop -
Edited to update dead links