posted 11 years ago
Thanks links for the link on sore mouth. That doesn't look like any fun at all, not for anybody.
The site said it is viral, and to me it seems very similar to herpes.
And when you vaccinate your flock, you'll probably get it yourself if you live closely with your animals. Doesn't make me want to vaccinate! So far I'm without the condition, and I keep my flock isolated from other goats and sheep, and when I do bring new animals in, I guess it is one more thing to remember to ask about.
I just want to mention that lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a very effective anti viral. The essential oil is quite expensive, and I don't know much about applying the essential oil topically. Many essential oils have an effect similar to mild caustic, drying, making an eschar. If I wanted to have an anti viral salve on hand, I'd make an oil infusion of lemon balm, make a salve. Since I tend to get carried away, I would probably infuse the oil with at least two batches of the herb, if not three. Probably someone on line tells how they make lemon balm salve.
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed