Bermuda will let other wild plants in if you don't cut it.
Natural succession.
Lots of wild useful plants will come by themselves if you don't cut and just let it grow, where you don't have time or
energy to maintain.
So you go with the flow of nature to plant some guilds for you.
I think starting in smaller area would be better, something like half an acre for planting of the
canopy of
For shrubs and ground covers concentrate on even smaller area, let say 500m2 or smaller.
Once plants get a good start it's hard for anything to outcompete them again, with a bit of management.
When you got your 200m2 established you move on.
You will see how long it will take you, maybe one year will be
Canopy you can probably plant new half an acre each year.
Well, everything is relative, but you get the idea.
But take care for the planted trees, give them a good mulch and take out as much
roots of bermuda when planting trees and then weed in the first year.
That's why it's easier to start "somewhere", to concentrate there, especialy with shrub and groundcover layer.
And plant in clumps as much as possible in shrub and groundcover area, so plants are stronger and faster in covering the ground.