I've used such buckets for years. When I lived in an apartment where I wanted absolutely no risk of odor for visitors or landlord, I used semi-dry clay soil as the covering, which killed the odor completely, like cat litter. Since I moved onto private property I've used sawdust, usually semi-composted, but the bucket was usually in an outbuilding. You will get more odor with an organic covering like that. A few hints at minimizing this have come over the last few years:
1. Be sure the sawdust is NOT completely dry.....Somewhat moist is best.
2. Add about 10% ashes to the sawdust.
3. Another hugely helpful idea, not having to do with odor but with neatness when emptying the buckets.....line the buckets with
newspaper, overlapping. The paper drops out with the rest and composts with it, leaving your buckets hose-rinse washable!