Hello all,
i came across these forums this past summer through Paul's rocket-stove videos (fantastic! thanks for sharing) Ive gleaned a lot since then ! great place ya got here.time i stopped lurking and contribute
anyhow,this subject isn't exactly what i envisioned my first posting here might be
ops:. but thought this was an interesting idea so... hope this is the right category,they're certainly "stacking functions",literally...
so i started some flax/mung sprouts today,in mason jars as usual.i sometimes forget to rinse them every day ,then i wondered if there might be some DIY auto-sprouters on youtube etc, so a 2 second search took me to this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9euNEw6XUs the 1
video response there is also worth watching(its short)
both are a bit crudely made,but the idea seems good(and hey,they work right)
i thought maybe a little fish-tank or plastic storage container on top(instead of soda bottles) with shelf/trays inside and a lid,would be even better? similar to this design
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY2Ezu5GYMo then, what if the toilets reservoir were itself the sprouter (designed to be in the first place,a new product..or a retrofit)
shouldn't be hard at all, apparently they already make
[font=Verdana]fish tank-toilets[/font] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6SjcwBMdrI though finding
enough people to eat food from their toilet could be a sales challenge
what do you think? ideas?, concerns? sanitary or otherwise.
this guy's method (not shown) does away with rinsing altogether somehow.