Helena Davies : I think that we need an update, I can live with the large gap at the top of the barrel if we can make the rest of it work ! What is the gap between the side walls
of the outside of your Heat Riser and the 55gal barrel, have you used a level to ensure that the barrel and the heat riser are both vertically plumb? You can do a quick test by
filling the indented top with
water, even if the barrel top has a slight bow or dish you can tell if there is a high side! If one is just a little out and the other has a corresponding
lean, that is alright, but if they are not simpatico` they will pinch off
enough at top and bottom to cause a serious starvation, or lack of flow of your Hot Exhaust Gases !
With good results for 20 min and then a reversal of flow, have you tried using a couple of bricks to partially close off the feed tube opening and direct the flow of air more central
to the
wood being burned ! If this works great, if not, or it makes it worse I would wonder if you need more insulation, the whole area around the feed tube
should be coolish,
This is due to the amount of cool air that the furnace is using !
You know that you are not going to be able to run a horizontal only chimney right ! A 15 ' vertical chimney can sometimes allow you to actually add 10 ' more horizontal chimney,
I Would add on more vertical chimney and just see what happens then, and keep an eye on which way the wind blows ! As a diagnostic person I am a little out of my depth here
but at least you don't need to worry about me proscribing Leeches ! for the Craft ! BIG AL