I started working my garden 6 months ago and went out and bought a lot of seed, carefully raised seedlings for the polycultures and hoped that they would self-seed there after. Our Borage has just finished flowering (early spring here) and has been madly dropping seed everywhere into the garden beds. I retrenched this bed by putting more organic matter into the soil at about a foot deep and raking the soil back over the top. We have heavy clay so it takes years to loosen it up and compacts very easy. I only break up the aggregates by hand into smaller ones and till as little as possible. I then mulched these beds and put a new crop into it,
perennial kang kong and some excess capsicum seedlings we had. This morning I went out to check on the progress and discovered borage seedlings popping up everywhere! My first lot of self seeded plants. There are too many for just this bed so I will be thinning them out and transplanting the excess to the new beds we've just established to provide shade, pollination help and improve the terrible soil in this new area. I love this plant, it turned our
yard into a bee highway at the end of winter and we intend to help the
local bee population out more with this 2nd generation.Everywhere it was planted the soil was much better, and since I've been digging the spent plants back into the ground hopefully the nutrients will all go back too.