posted 11 years ago
Hello Michael, welcome to Permies!!!
I like much of what John E. was advising, as this is a great way to get started, not get overwhelmed, and have fun at the same time. Sean has also pointed out a very important point of not getting stuck in a rut, and following just one mode, or approach to building. What I will add is a little more expansive.
As an educator of the Building Arts, and a group and team developer, I have some insights that are a little more focused. Within group development there is a five step processes that has applicability to learning as well. They are > FORMING, STORMING, NORMING, PERFORMING, and ADJOURNMENT. (These may differ depending on whom you follow within the cultural development sciences.) How this applies you learning the building arts is very similar steps. Understanding this structural system to your learning, can facilitate a more fluid, dynamic, and efficient means of internalizing information you need.
You currently are in the FORMING stage, and should have fun as John E. has suggested. As you move into the STORMING stage, you will be faced with the challenges that Sean pointed out like not getting stuck in a rut. I probably come in as being most effective at helping folks like you during the NORMING phase. Here is where you will solidify your bearing and style of architecture in a more detailed and learned manner.
From a logistical aspect I would suggest focusing on only "natural and traditional" building modalities, and not bog yourself down with many of the mainstream and industrial concepts as these are very often in conflict with "natural building." I also suggest this as you are going to be building, from what I have gleaned thus far, in the Central and South American region, that you look at projects in that location to volunteer at if possible, or other areas that have similar or applicable styles. This region has rich and diverse indigenous architectural vernacular practices, and probably the best place to start looking at the foundations of what you may want to build.
We are excited to be here with you along your journey, and look forward to all your questions. Also if you could expand your profile information to your location and where exactly you will be building would help us help you.
Welcome again to Permise,