Hi AJ...and first...A big welcome to Permies.com...thanks for joining!
There is a a great deal of good info here on cobb and related natural building...Take the time to look around. Also, the next time you're up in the 'Stronghold' say hello...I spent part of my youth there and still have family in AZ...
We've read and have books and have learned a lot but is Arizona a good place for cob (I know it sounds silly but if its so great why aren't there more cob houses?)
Hmmmm...sorry I am going to tease you just a little...

Just reading books isn't enough...especially when many of the books are...well...lets just say not complete and/or more a documentation of someones experiments in cobb and learning about it themselves than actual decades of experience...There are few folks here in North America that have ever really "studied" the vernacular that is "clay architecture," on a global scale and publish anything that is not at the PhD level...
So, what I am about to say may actually surprize you just a bit...
The oldest cobb in this country is in AZ... starting at over 1000 years with contemporary European styles starting at around 1500's...after those folks from the Iberian peninsula arrived with their horses and small pox...
The highest concentration of cobb architecture in a very singular and ancient form is in the South West and more "clay architecture can be found from Southern California to Texas than anywhere else, I believe one could find in North America. I would say AZ has probably one the highest other than New Mexico...
AZ and NM probably has some of the finest earth architecture practitioners in the country (if not world) and traditions going back over 1000 years or more...
You are absolutely surrounded by cobb...but...they don't call it cobb...
See if you can figure this riddle out then let me know what it is that is all around you and probably the most germane and appropriate building material for your region other than stone and timber...
So once this is all though about a little more...I would be glad to help with any guidance I can in designing and facilitating your build...so just let me know what your are thinking or have questions about...
Regards, and again, welcome to Permies,