Aj Brown

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since Jan 05, 2015
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Totaly understand J but as life may have it, we may not stay in az but move to northern Idaho! But I still desperately want to build with cob! Could I still do cob in northern idaho? I know the conditions arent optimal as they are in az.
10 years ago
Also, since someone was kind enough to send me a pm, the reason we are leaning towards cob and not adobe, it bc were trying to avoid the brick stage and, me being very creative, am looking for a bit more creative freedom and yes im aware books and blogs are ppls experiences but we're doing what we can. We want to attend a workshop before we get started on building.
10 years ago
I'm not sure as to the answer to your riddle but it seems that there is adobe and straw bale. We even asked at the building department (they have alt building permits) and even they were unfamiliar with cob. So either people are building it and not getting permits, or there just arent many cob houses here. I've only been here a year and straw bale seems to be the way most people go.
10 years ago
Hello everyone,

My husband and I live in Cochise county AZ which has really good regulations for alternative building. There is a large population of straw bale and adobe homes in the area but we are leaning towards cob due to limited funds. We have property and have not built anything yet. We hope to start with an oven and then move on to a small studio sized 'apartment' to practice.

We've read and have books and have learned a lot but is Arizona a good place for cob (I know it sounds silly but if its so great why aren't there more cob houses?)
Also, if we go with cob, would we have to purchase the hay or use grass from our property? (if we have any grass!) If hay needs to be purchased, what type?
Also, what suggestions would you have for a root cellar? I like to ferment and can things and am wondering the best way to store these items in the AZ heat! Mind you, we have some crazy monsoons so I wouldn't want my cellar (if it was underground) getting flooded.

Any other comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! We're working to be as self reliant, frugal, and DIY as possible.
10 years ago