allen lumley wrote:Marcos Buenijo : As you say, most of the performance margin must be carefully preserved/protected by the clever use of good heat exchangers, what I want to hear is that with enough insulation we can 'just' increase dwell time for the heat streams as they pass through the heat exchangers.
I personally will need a refresher course to understand how much of the Sterling cycle I will have to know to be able to operate such a unit. My Excuse for
my ignorance is due to the apparent lack of a practical use of the work cycle of a Sterling, that having been proven, I would like to play catch-up and at least
rise to the point of understanding my own ignorance !
Part of what I am saying is can you expand on the information shared here, hopefully helping us see how to take advantage of this cleaver re-alignment of
parts and technology ? For the good of the Craft ! Big AL
A stirling engine is not required. It's mentioned here only as a means to generate the electricity required for the system. I suspect a stirling engine was selected for its wide fuel capacity since many in "third world" regions do not have ready access to refined fuels. However, I prefer a system that does not require electricity, or that requires a great deal less than this system. When I first read the description of the product, I was bewildered at the suggestion of providing a product for "third world" use that requires 1 KWe input. That is serious power! However, the system does leverage that energy well. Still, it IS possible to devise a system to require a great deal less electricity, and even no electricity. Consider the stirling engine at 10% overall efficiency (fuel to electricity). If providing 1 KWe, then the system requires 34120 btu per hour of fuel (0.3 gallon of
gasoline, or 5 pounds of dry
wood). A highly efficient (but conventional) water distillation system could use this fuel directly to make 3.8 gallons of distilled water. The system here uses the same fuel burned in a stirling engine to make 1 KWh of electricity, which in turn makes three times as much distilled water. However, it requires the stirling engine and the very sophisticated distillation device. Hmmm. Why not devise a system powered by a small biomass furnace, a small pressure pump, and using a series of small heat exchangers and small insulated pressure vessels to do the same? Furthermore, the pump may be heat powered since it's power is low, and this would make a fully heat powered system possible. What I'm saying is that a fully heat powered system can be had that uses the same fuel burned in the stirling engine used to power the system that requires 1 KWe, and yet provide the same amount of distilled water. Furthermore, a simpler system like this (no stirling engine and no 1 KW compressor) that generates less distilled water seems justified for the additional simplicity. I think three stages is sufficient to justify it.
Here's the basic idea (note that this is just to illustrate the basic principles, I am not suggesting a system actually be constructed this way): Imagine a pressure cooker filled with water to be distilled. Connect the steam line from the pressure cooker to a heat exchanger placed inside another vessel filled with water to be distilled. Heating the pressure cooker will generate steam at a pressure above atmospheric. This pressurized steam moves to the heat exchanger, and since this steam is at a temperature well above 212F, then it will boil the water inside the second vessel. The steam in the heat exchanger condenses, and it moves out a drain line that sets pressure in the pressure cooker using a relief valve (keeps pressure at a particular value). This condensate leaving the relief valve is collected as distilled water. Now, the steam from the second vessel is condensed and also collected as distilled water. So, this system nearly doubles the amount of distilled water generated. Already we've gone from 3.8 gallons of distilled water to about 7 gallons. With one more stage, then a good system can provide nearly the same amount of water as the more sophisticated design.
Note that there is water pumped into each vessel, and this water must be pressurized. This requires a pressure pump. The steam leaving the final stage (the steam at atmospheric pressure) can be condensed in a heat exchanger through which this water is pumped. This will increase the efficiency of the system by preheating the water in this way. Ideally, the system will provide enough stages so that the rate at which water flows to the vessels is sufficient to fully condense the steam from the final stage. However, I suggest not making so many stages so that enough steam is available from the final stage to power the pump. The steam has no pressure to work with, so I suggest using the heat in the steam to heat an organic working fluid that can produce pressure to power the pump. Alternatively, one can use an electric motor to power the water pump, and this is probably the most practical way to go about it. However, a fully heat powered system can absolutely be done. I have already devised such a pump for another project, so I know it can be done. The system would allow for starting a fire in the furnace, connecting a hose to the dirty water source to supply water to the pump, then the unit will generate hot distilled water as long as the furnace is operating - no electricity, and it can provide the same amount of distilled water as the 1 KWe system with the same amount of fuel used to power the stirling engine that generates electricity for that system.
NOTE: A steam engine can be used to power a compressor directly, and the steam engine exhaust can provide heating as well. Basically, the steam engine exhaust is condensed at increased pressure to heat the water to be purified. This steam distillate generated moves through a high volume but low pressure steam compressor which sends the high pressure steam through a heat exchanger also contained in the water to be purified. The compressor here must not use lube oil and must not contaminate the steam as this steam is used to provide the final product. Since the temperatures and pressure are so limited, then many plastic products can be used. Considering the losses in generating electricity and then the losses in the compressor motor, and being able to use the heat from the engine that is wasted in the stirling engine in heating air, then this seems a very good idea to me. HOWEVER, getting a good compressor would be difficult. A compressor has to deliver steam at a very high mass flow rate and do so with low friction, so this would be a sophisticated device. Another prospect can be to use the heat from a furnace to power a simple and small low efficiency piston steam engine which also provides its steam exhaust at high pressure to the first stage of the kind of system I suggested previously. The engine can be used to power the pumps required of the system.