Michael Unger : After Jay C. White Clould's thoughtful comments, I am a little hesitant to propose this but, On property I had a 'family interest in' we had two
experiences that changed our land usage on 100s of acres!
Most Everyone who has a
wood lot larger than they can maintain themselves has had an
experience with hiring Loggers to harvest timber and having good
roads and land rutted and drainage damaged, destroyed creating additional wet lands, We actually had the opposite happen when a deep very long Log -
skidder Rut punched through a thin layer of clay 4'' - 5'' and changed the drainage for about 75 acres and opened up access to land our 'Family' had
considered unreachable as we could not provide firm footing for horses except in the dead of winter !
A few years later we had a problem with a large beaver dam, beaver flow that many in the family considered too large, too dangerous to remove, Long after
the Beaver were trapped out, the beaver dam finally failed. Acre feet travelled through miles of stream valleys and again major change was made in a series
of 'Hanging Valleys' as the hard clay pan of ancient shorelines were scoured away! You may find that your drainage can be improved if you are willing to do
a lot of work in digging exploratory holes. However, this
should also be considered a cautionary tale, be careful what you wish for - you may get it ! Big AL !