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My project thread:
Chris Badgett
Cocreator of Organic Life Guru. Have you seen what's happening over there?
Freakin' hippies and Squares, since 1986
Freakin' hippies and Squares, since 1986
Landon Sunrich wrote:As to criteria - For me its a sliding scale based on a few factors. Primarily what the risk is if I'm wrong. If there is a well know poisonous analog in the region I'm going to need to be much more certain (confirmed with multiple knowledgeable sources or having previously collected it several times with a knowledgeable source) Generally if I'm seriously questioning if I have a positive ID with something I have no experience in I avoid it even if there was nothing truly dangerous in the area. I'm more likely to try a small bit of some new leaf or root than berries. I tend to try tips and newer growth first and only in small amounts. Worst 'to hell with it, lets see if its edible' I've seen was when a friend tried Skunk cabbage leaf. Very unpleasant for the person involved but not truly dangerous. But this was with a positive ID but mistaken concept of what was edible. I do make a distinction between dangerous and unpleasant when I'm weighing whether or not to take a stab at whatever it is.
New to Detroit. Looking to help out with current permaculture and urban farming projects. Here is my blog from when I was an urban homesteader in Ohio but I am continuing to post about our suburban adventures in Permaculture.
I FEEL suave and debonair. Why can't you be as supportive as this tiny ad?
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