I presume you mean the seeds. I imagine they would be good
feed, they are shiny so presumably high in oil. Frosts don't seem to hurt them at all, at least not the ones I have seen, maybe they are naturalised though. Such a good plant for N fixing,
wood and shade, as well as early flowering for
bees. I have seen them absolutely covered in seed pods, and it didn't take me long to get
enough to half full an ice cream container with seed, with still way more pods on the bush. I just wouldn't get too optimistic about feeding many
chickens this way, aka start small. They grow fast, mine are over 6 feet tall in 18 months, still no seeds though, maybe next spring they will flower. Wattles have a similar seed, but a lot smaller, from a much bigger tree. I'd prefer tagasate over wattle if seeds are the goal because the yield per tree seems to be bigger. I took a few seeds out to my
chickens, (they are never very hungry) and one came up and pecked at a seed, then spat it out, it did this a few times, then decided to eat a few. So they are edible for chickens, apparently.