Experience is the best teacher. Learn from mine; not your own.
I made a
raised bed (my vvery first) with nothing but
compost on top of
newspaper. Starts do outstandingly in this medium but seeds have very poor germination rates. I didn't even realize that this counted as 'poor germination" until I dug up one section to bury some fish and then sowed into the exposed,
native soil and found myself thinning far more than before. I did some searching
online and found other people saying that compost is too light and doesn't retain
water (what i originally suspected to be the cause) well
enough for small seeds to germinate.
Prior to this, I planned on making some huge, foot high beds upon returning to Washington with composted horse stall bedding. I now see that this setup would be impractical for plants that must be direct seeded (
root vegtables and cilantro). But i could spread some native clay on top and sow into that if neccessary.
That isn't to say that you cant grow in straight compost. My starts faired excellently. The squash i threw in the compost pile is sending out volunteers: in the beds, in the pile itself, and in the field where compost fell out of the basket accidentlly. This suggests to me that large seeds can do ok (i presume because they can be buried deeper where there will be more water). I had pretty good germination with both red and white radishes but that seems to be the lower limit on the size of seeds you can direct sow. My onion and lettuce seeds have fared dismally. Corn and beans germinated about the same in compost as they did in soil. Pumpkins appear to have similar rates as well. Coriander did so poorly that the ONE plant I got (out of a few dozen seeds) came up months after sowing, in the wrong season and promtly bolted in the heat. Carrots had similar performance, though I got some tiny
Compost is many things and provides many benefits, but don't think it is a suitable medium in itself! It is satisfactory for starts and large seeds but small or difficult to germinate seeds will disapoint you. Get some topsoil on the surface if you want to direct sow those small sees.