Have you heard of the "false floor effect?" Any idea why it happens?
A Warre hive of ours swarmed the other day - I figured it must have been completely full of comb; however, when I opened it up to add a box at the bottom, the last box was completely empty (the top 2 were full). I have been talking with other beeks who say sometimes the
bees don't want to go to the lower box. I went ahead and added an extra box anyway; I figured it would help with air circulation at this time of year. We've had one of the wettest springs on record, and moisture has been a bit of a problem. I noted some moisture collecting on the landing board at the entrance prior to the swarm, but just thought it must be because there were so many
bees (more bees, more respiration - more moisture, right?) - and also figured they'd be close to swarming, but I was quite surprised to find that empty bottom box. Ideas?