land and liberty at s.w.o.m.p.
It would take the consensus of an entire neighborhood to organize something along the lines of a transition town, and I imagine that there is still much resistance to any sort of change by most folks.
In the mean time, permaculturists and even more watered down "greenies" in the states often have to try and convince parents, other relatives, and probably even their friends that what they are passionate about matters. That it doesn't have anything to do with "tree hugging politics," that these are answers to real problems that we really do need to solve. From my own experience I can tell you it feels like an almost impossibly uphill battle.
hey, interesting, do you know if there is a weblog or site about that?Where I live, there is huge interest in transition towns. There is a lot of interest in community sustainability and food self-sufficiency, and most people realize the need to scale back on energy (and all kinds of) consumption. There is a group already hard at work to turn our community into a "transition island".
land and liberty at s.w.o.m.p.
I see people involved in Transition Towns as pioneers working out ways to give shape to intentionally sustainable communities. Its not as if you reshape a random neighbourhood into an eco village in a few years.
Joop Corbin - swomp wrote:
hey, interesting, do you know if there is a weblog or site about that?
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Scott Reil wrote:Is it worth the effort to bring along the whole town, rather than concentrate on individual goals? Altruistic pie in the sky or emerging meme to save the human race?
mos6507 wrote:
I just joined this forum and have some experience with Transition. I took the T4T course (twice actually).
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