Started a sheet mulch bed in the spring and threw down some butter crunch lettuce, kale, and parsley just to see what would happen and this thing has been going crazy in there but it doesn't look like any of the aforementioned plants to me. Sheet mulch bed was really laid down for next year so I wasn't expecting a whole lot out of it this year. Anyway here are some pics.
Looks to me like a nightshade of some sort. It's cute, but I'm not sure I'd let it spread or go to seed, unless somebody else can pin in down as a good guy.
Edit: Refer below for better answer. Datura as pointed out, seems best. The wikipedia notes toxicity.
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
How Works Be Nice
When will it go to seed, because it has yet to have any of the spiny seed pods on it yet? I also don't see a purple tint to the edge of the flowers. I don't have a clue how it got there. Wikipedia said that native american tribes would use it in a brew as an intoxicant. haha. I don't intend to use it like that but I guess I will need to do somthing before it goes to seed in my beds. Thank you folks out. I love the immediate responses on this forum and the passion that everyone displays.
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