Thanks Nicola - I actually found this forum through a hint to that scandinavian section, but it's not enough to follow only that yet and this discussion happened to deal a similar situation... I'll be more on the recieving side of information exchange for a quite some time still, as I'm a total newbie. It would be lovely to find someone close enough to visit, too, or to find the time to visit a permacourse or smth. We live on the border of Satakunta, Etelä-Pohjanmaa and Pirkanmaa.
We don't and won't have livestock, and our indoor cats dont' produce THAT much manure, but I think we might get some horse manure with mostly just the transportation costs. Straw, maybe... At the moment we have old cutter shavings used as insulation in our roof terrace (molden due to consturction mistakes, thus removed - I'm really grateful it hasn't been raining for a while!) What I don't have is the money to buy any substantial amounts of good compost. The grass has been planted (before I moved here) on cheap "topsoil" (= from an old field) which definitely came with perennial weed roots. They aren't a problem as long as only grass is grown, but they are still alive there and start taking over if they get a chance.
I'm hoping to grow
- hedges, as this a windy field and there's no privacy whatsoever - this is really a priority!
- a few fruit
trees and some more berry trees and bushes
- something else to eat
- a lot of beatiful things to see (really missing that part!) - trees, bushes, perennials
I suppose the mulch has to be really thick for those trees. The clay is so hard you can't dig through it with a spade - an iron lever is needed. Think of 9m clay as in parts of Pohjanmaa. And as realistically we might only have some 20 years here, I'd like to get this started and growing fast. Especially all those hedges and trees. We don't even have much shade here, as the house is on the north-east end of this long area. Oh well, we DO have birches in the middle, but as they have so utterly competitive
root system, I'm dreaming of replacing them with something else.
This plot is a bit too much of challenge for me, but at the moment I'm trying to concentrate on those hedges, first trees and such. When I get reasonable plot done (=in a sensible scale and all fixed things marked), I think I'll post it on the scandinavian section for comments with a wider description. Just have to manage some urgent things during the next few weeks first...