Hello Cassie,
In general...a positive mission focus and goal set...yet...too new of a program to really tell what the outcome will be over time?
As an educator with 30 plus years in mixed venue...my gut is not really feeling it...
Your link takes me to "True Luxury Life"...what is this I think?
Then I see as my first image an almost full screen glossy image of "Suzy Amis Cameron"...o.k...narcissism once more?...natural education?...not permaculture...ego afoot and loose to promote...what...her?...or her beliefs about something? Not sure...
Lets scan read further...
Hmmm...lots of "green buzz words"...then I see a reference to LEED...I have studied lead...and more importantly the founders of LEED...all ex big industry moguls from
petroleum industry...and there supports...LEED is a "whitewashing" entity for the construction (and other entities) industry to break into the
sustainable building industry...IT has done little to actually promote that in any substantial way...and has actually blocked it in many...So, lets look at the
MUSE School Web page...
The above is not natural, traditional or sustainable architecture...no mater how much allegedly "recycle" scrape
wood you stick to it. This is not
permaculture architecture, nor is the majority of the campus. So, like so many programs I see like this...I get more "fasade" than substance.
Now I come to the end of the link, and I find a quote from Ms. Cameron:
“You can’t really call yourself an environmentalist if you’re still consuming animals. You just can’t.” – Suzy Amis Cameron on NPR
I am sorry...I am part of a culture that has and does eat animal protein in many forms. I know of countless indigenous cultures around the globe that do, and have. I know many
permaculture practitioners that also do, and I find all of them way more "environmentally conscious" than what I felt I was seeing in the link, and where the link lead me. To present the level of hubris and
ego to make such a statement being a "role model" for children...I, for one, don't agree.