First, as noted above, the usefulness of his genetics will still be limited to his biome.
Second, you mentioned fescue. Does that include endophyte-infected fescue? In other words, has he bred well
enough to get good weight gain and breed back with endophyte-infected fescue? If so, and he can document it, that a very good selling point.
This idea came from one of Greg Judy's interns that I thought was rather brilliant. He had worked on a cow/calf, direct market grassfed
beef operation in NC before joining Greg. Per his story the place was a disaster. They just did not have enough
land to run their pairs, yearlings and finishers. So his idea was that someone with a large herd of good grass genetics should begin marking yearlings to the smaller outfits that want/need beef for their CSA, but do not have the land to run their own cow/calf operation. So the idea would be find the operators throughout the South who want to finish 10-45 head per year for their direct marketing program, and become their supplier with yearlings from the grassfed herd.