Thanks for the subscription. I'll be updating every week or so except during my vacation.
I did consider a hugel bed but I already have two and actually I don't think I need them. Between the snow and the rain and a good cover of mulch, I
should be good. Besides hugel beds collapse over time and I want the height permanently to stop the wind and trap the snow.
You were right about the area being small between the berm and the hugel mound. We pulled back the center another 6 feet the next day. It's not so much the flat area that's useful. It's where the slope meets flat and where flat meets
water that the magic will happen. Not sure what I'll do with the flat spot, except put grapes beside the berm and haskap and rhubarb on the water edge. Perhaps we will put a little fire pit or gazebo in there. The mid berm area will be getting saskatoons (serviceberry), elderberry, goji and nanking cherry as well as some University of Sask hardy cherries (Manor, romeo and Juliet and cupid.) Backside will be gooseberry spruce and chokecherry.
This little system incorporates all that I know about heat sinks. The south facing berm, the rocks and water... it will be interesting to see how much this passive system can do for me.