posted 10 years ago
((I cant add the pic at the moment from my cell but hopefully yall understand until i can do that))
Skimmin the net i found this. Gave me an idea.
Imagine a sort of hutch like this. Except the wire is 1/2 x 1 inch thick gauge, decent on the feet and keep most nasty critters out.
And the legs only keep it up about four inches from the ground. The hutch house part would each be about five foot across and two foot front to back, maybe 16inch tall or so with sloped roof to shed the weather. A little door hole at each end for em to go in and out.
The wire pen part would be about five foot across and about ten foot long.
The low height keeps em from killin an area or gettin any possible nasty from the soil or manure. The grass will grow up through the wire bottom and they can eat it fine. And it will have a wire bottom for protection from snakes or whatnot nasty critters.
You could have a long row of the pens with a door from one to the next. Keep em in one pen until they eat it down then open the next pen and they will move to it to eat and shut the last pen behind em.
This would be for probably one doe and litter or to rotate growouts through to finish feedin out.