I only have house bunnies,but one is a Rex.
We use the orchard grass hay we
feed them as their bedding as well.
They now live in a section of living room,but have chosen their original cage as their
pee spot.
I want to try soil in that spot,currently it's lined with paper and hay.
We already provide containers with soil for their digging pleasure.
They only rarely deviate from their pee spot,and then only where there is bedding.
We keep the bedding in boxes and containers for this very reason.
My wife is concerned about the effect of the unyielding hardwood floor on their tootsies,me,not so much.
In your situation I would try soil over the wood floor.
It's free,fairly absorbent,and with the wood to scrape against,pretty easy to remove with a flat nosed shovel.
Plus they freaking love it!