Thekla McDaniels wrote:
Ra Kenworth wrote:
The male pigeon egg is laid the day before the female --
I also have acrylic artist paints in small tubes so I can even match the paint color to the leg bands on the parents if I am going to foster an egg!
Are you saying the egg that will hatch into a male is laid on day one? And subsequent eggs will hatch into female? I’m am in awe of the wonders of nature!
And what a great idea, color coding eggs to legbands when trying to track something.
Yes, a male first, then there is one subsequent egg and it's the female. On the rare occasion there are more eggs, it's usually because one or both of the original eggs is sterile, in which case, attempting to sex the chicks is dubious.
I band the female on the left leg and the male on the right. If I switch pairs, I often leave the original bands as well, plus the offspring get the same color band. They aren't numbered, but I have a good memory.