Yeah, that's one of the ones I freak over. It seems like the permafrost is thawing pretty rapidly. The climate maps are out there, the places that are warming most seem to be the frozen northern continental mass. Don't know about the ocean hydrates, I really hope the deep ones are under
enough pressure and shielded enough that they will remain stable. I try talking about this sort of stuff, nobody wants to talk about it. Like at all. It's like people are living in some mass manufactured delusion. "But don't you think things have always been changing?" GRRRRR
Another things that may be worth mentioning while we're talking about the possibility of environmental effect, which I almost never hear mentioned, is the 'phase change effect'. I never got passed basic physics, but that I remember.
See it takes a whole lot of
energy to get
water to change phase from solid to liquid, once it is liquid the same amount of energy nets you a whole lot more warming.
Is it time to start shutting down the industrial economy yet?