Good things Chufa can be used for…
Plant it under non electric fencing, It only gets 12 inches tall, so no need to fit a
lawn mower under the bottom wire/board. It does make a nice mulch, if you’d want to sythe and collect it.
Contain it in narrow areas between
concrete, like patio and driveway.
Or maybe use it as I have, a cover crop so your workable garden area is smaller. Dammit.
Or maybe you need a place to store your tarps? Find some chufa to kill, it won’t be nesessary to find a new storge spot for a while.
As for some possibly useful information in my update, Chufa is still there, but sparse. I still need to stay on top of it to kep it under control. I think there is only one bed that I need to put cardoard on for spring. At least I can transplat through it and use the space.