well, been fermenting a bit, but I am more into drinks, and like to ferment just before it becomes alcohol, and usually mixed fruits + veg...
One reason is that sour kraut/kimchi usually has salt, I prefer to ferment w/o salt.
So when I ferment I just mix anything that is around, from a bit old looking lettuce, or/and
nettles and other herbs, sometimes green beans + apples or any other fruit available at the time, even dried ones works. Some times I also add some ginger or other spices... and if in the tropics mangos or, even better, papaya pulp with a little bit of greens makes fantastic fizzes
I don't follow any recipe... I add
water to the mixes, which actually accelerates the process. Sour kraut takes ages I hear, this stuff i make, depending on the temperature and the amount of water, takes 1-4 days. But, there is a bit of a impractical "side effect": once in a while when I open the bottle, it goes like champagne and I get a part of the stuff jumping out of the bottle, losing a part of the fizz, but also messing up what happens to be around...
quite fun when it happens, but not very practical: either need to open it with little clothe on or in a big/ deep container so that it won't splash around...
be nice to find some sort of solution to this. I love my fizzes, they really gives my
energy and nourishment. But they are not so practical
any ideas?? thanks