OK folks, the drama has ended and the goat has been returned (for now).
I was just pulling into our "Drive Through Feed" place and got a call from a lady who was house sitting her sisters place. The goat had escaped from her. Not only that, the sister was supposed to be babysitting the goat for a friend of hers!
We loaded up the goat and brought it to their place over a mile away! They were keeping it in the backyard surrounded by a three foot high
fence. No wonder it left, no friends and a low
fence, what could go wrong? LOL
Actually, it was a very nice goat. The only problem was he did not like to be alone, and somehow developed an attachment for me. he loved to hang around me wherever I went. He seemed to listen to males much better than females for some odd reason. Maybe he is like the rest of us males (LOL). When I went out to the
feed store he decided to wait on the porch, and DW took a picture of him waiting for me on the porch.
I did learn that I will probably go with sheep if I put in a grazing system.
Thanks to all for the timely advice.